
Help Give SEOmoz a Tagline

Currently, SEOmoz has the dismally boring and horribly generic tagline, “a search engine optimization resource.” With all the tagline and article headline writing we do for clients, you’d think we could do better, but sadly, we’re suffering from the same disease as the cobbler’s children. Thus, it’s with great hope that we turn to you, our most stalwart fans, for ideas.

Here’s a few we’ve come up with so far:

  • Because the Internet is Hard
  • Carefully Nurturing the Seeds of Search
  • Like DMOZ, Only Useful
  • Your Decoder Ring for the Secret Language of Search
  • Where No Good Search Goes Unoptimized
  • The Daily SEO Show
  • There’s No Place Like Search
  • An Owner’s Manual for the WWW
  • Google Asked Us to the Prom, But We Already Had Plans
  • It’s Magically Searchlicious
  • Into Every Search, A Little Marketing Must Fall
  • A Rosetta Stone for the Language of Search
  • Delectable Tidbits of Searchy Goodness
  • Boldly Searching Where No Engine Wants Us

If you have a favorite among these, we’d appreciate your feedback and if you have a new idea, that would be even better (as we can’t find one among these that we love). If the winning tagline is suggested by a commenter, we’ll be happy to give you full credit on our new about us page (with a shiny link, too) as a way of saying thanks.

p.s. Progress on the new site is coming along quickly – we’re hoping for a release before SES Chicago in December. I see Jim’s working away at his new site, too – let me urge you, Jim, to 301 your blog to your main site so you can see the benefits of all those links helping out WeBuildPages. I just want what’s best for the guy 🙂

p.p.s. Just noticed that Mr. McCarley recommended a post on this subject way back in May. Sorry for the delay on that, and thanks for the suggestion!

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